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Current GBA Committees

The standing committees as per the bylaws are the following:

Legislative committee
    • Gail Dean (Chair)
    • Brutz English 
    • Virginia Webb
    • Barry Hart
    • Olivia Menard
Beekeeper of the year committee
    • Jonathan Hayes (Chair)

Nominating committee 

Conference committee
    • Julia Mahood (Chair)
    • Gina Gallucci 
    • Mark Shields
    • Brutz English
    • Jonathan Hayes
    • Kathy Bourn
    • Emily Heath

In addition to the above standing committees, the following committees are also in existence and are currently working on projects:

Farm Bureau Liaison 
This liaison position reports to the board about the relationship of GBA with the Farm Bureau
    • Ben Bruce
Prison Program Committee
This committee consists of the people involved in teaching in the prisons and reports progress to GBA
    • Julia Mahood (Chair)
    • Jennifer Berry
    • David Hollomon
    • Charlie Scott
New Club Committee
This committee reviews applications of new local clubs who want to be certified by GBA
    • Mary Cahill Roberts (Chair) 

Honey Show Committee
This committee is in charge of arranging the honey shows and running them. They establish the entry table, judge the show or arrange judges, and hold GBA members to a high standard of production.

    • Brutz English (Chair)
    • Marilynn Parker
    • Kara Bassett
    • Mary Cahill-Roberts
    • Katie Goodman
    • Dan Long
Jr. Beekeeper Committee
    • Kelley Campbell (Chair)
Social Media
    • Katie Goodman (Chair) - Facebook Manager
    • Shawn O'Neill - Instagram
License Plate Proceed Committee
    • Julia Mahood (Chair)
    • Gina Gallucci 
    • Mark Shields
    • Gail Dean
    • Luke Ellerman
    • Bob Binnie
    • Katie Goodman

Bylaws Review Committee

    • Jonathan Hayes (Chair)
    • Linda Tillman
    • Dan Long
    • Emily Heath
    • Gina Gallucci
    • Julia Mahood

Georgia Beekeepers Association

 is a 501(c)5 non-profit organization

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